The Dunn Lab is moving to Purdue University!
If you are in the Midwest or contemplating a move there - and #ThinkBroadlyLeadBoldly - consider joining our fast-paced, interdisciplinary, and dynamic team.
We are hiring for multiple roles, including:
LAB PROGRAM DIRECTOR to oversee all day-to-day admin/operations of the lab
RESEARCH SCIENTIST/ASSISTANT RESEARCH FACULTY to oversee all day-to-day science in the area of genetics/epigenetics
POST-DOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOWS to lead studies on the biological embedding of childhood adversity OR baby teeth as novel biomarkers of early life stress and later mental health problems
PROJECT MANAGER to oversee the creation of a new tooth biobank
DATA ANALYSTS FOR TEETH AND EPIGENETIC STUDIES to analyze longitudinal data from birth cohorts across the globe
RESEARCH COORDINATOR FOR EPIGENETIC STUDIES to help us learn how adverse and positive life experiences shape the epigenome
Reach out to Dr. Erin Dunn directly if you are interested at erindunn@purdue.edu
Why Join the Dunn Lab?
In our lab, we explore the interplay of biological, social, and environmental factors contributing to mental health across the lifespan. Our goal is to develop preventive strategies that enhance brain health and foster resilience in communities.
Our Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
In all aspects of our work, members of the Dunn Lab strive to ensure that people from underrepresented groups enter the scientific profession and are retained there. Why? Because without a diverse scientific workforce, we lessen our ability to ask important questions and solve pressing health problems. We also reduce our capacity to identify and address health disparities and bring about social justice reforms.
We recognize that diversity comes in many forms. That’s why we actively recruit people to the lab with different life experiences, identities, and perspectives. Current or prior lab members represent many racial/ethnic backgrounds, religious groups, and sexual orientations. Lab members speak different native languages and were born in countries across the globe. Some have lived experiences with mental illness and trauma. Though we are all unique, we all share a deep passion for ridding the world of depression and other brain health burdens.
Dr. Dunn encourages people from underrepresented backgrounds to apply to work with her in the lab. As a first-generation college student herself, she strives to make the lab a safe and supportive environment where lab members feel valued, respected, and that they belong. She is committed to leveraging lab member’s collective differences to doing the best possible science and inspiring trainees to launch their careers in science or other fields.