Navigating the Holiday Blues

By: Janine Cerutti

The holiday season often brings much joy—including the chance to spend time with friends and family, take time off of work, and rejoice in the holiday cheer. But it’s also not uncommon for people to feel down during this time of year.  The holidays are often a time when we remember loved ones who have passed, we can feel lonely, stressed by overwhelming to-do lists, and experience symptoms of seasonal affective disorder resulting from seeing less of the sun.

These feelings of stress and sadness around this time of year have been dubbed as the holiday blues. And if you think you may have caught a case of them, you are not alone. 

Whether you or someone you know is feeling down this season, here are some websites that may be helpful in navigating the holiday blues: 

  1. What psychiatrists have to say about holiday blues. This PBS post explains the holiday blues from a psychiatrist perspective and provides some ways to minimize the blues. 

  2. You’re not alone if you feel the holiday blues. Learn more about the feeling of loneliness during the holiday season in this Huffpost blog by Timi Gustafson, R.D.

  3. Four questions every leader should ask their team before the new year. Forbes recently published this article for leaders on how to address the holiday blues with their teams in the workplace.

  4. Tips for coping with stress, depression and the holidays. On this post, the Mayo Clinic Staff provide some tips to prevent stress and depression during the holiday season.

  5. Reach out for help. If your holiday blues persist and you are experiencing other symptoms of depression, talk to your doctor or a mental health professional about it. You don’t have to navigate the blues alone.  


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