Five Videos to Stay on Top of the Latest Research in Mental Health

By: Janine Cerutti

There’s always new and exciting research being published in the field of mental health. With so many papers and journals to follow, it can be hard to keep up. To help you stay on top of the field, we compiled a set of videos you can watch in just 15 minutes—which tackle everything from the work we are doing in the Dunn Lab, to efforts to develop science-based intervention strategies for children facing adversity and the role of folic acid in schizophrenia. So grab some popcorn, sit back, relax, and watch these videos to learn more. 

1. How the Dunn Lab is Working to Prevent Depression

In this video, we summarize our research goals and how we are working to identify strategies to reduce the burden of depression and prevent its occurrence. 

2. One Mind’s 2018 Music Festival for Brain Health. 

One Mind is an organization on a mission to speed-up discoveries in brain health. In a previous Said&Dunn post, Erin reflected on her experience during One Mind’s annual music festival and how it transformed her views on science. Here you can check-out her talk from the festival and learn about what makes this annual event so unique.   

3. What are Critical Periods in Brain Development?

Takao Hensch studies sensitive or critical periods, which are windows in the course of development when our brains are highly plastic and thus most susceptible to experience. In this video, Takao discusses his work regarding these windows of opportunity and vulnerability in brain development and how these critical periods may continue into adulthood.

4. Building Adults’ Core Capabilities to Improve Child Outcomes

How can we improve the future lives of children, especially those facing adversity? From Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child and their Frontiers of Innovation Initiative, this video depicts a theory of change to improve the lives of children experiencing adversity. Learn how building the capabilities of caregivers and strengthening communities can help children lead healthier and happier lives.

5. Folic Acid and Schizophrenia Prevention.

Everyone needs folic acid in their diet, which is a B vitamin shown to reduce birth defects and neurodevelopmental problems. Joshua Roffman and colleagues at MGH’s Brain Genomics Lab explored some other potential benefits of folic acid by comparing MRI scans of children who were born before, during, and after the FDA’s folic acid fortification. In this video, find out why they think prenatal folic acid may reduce the risk of schizophrenia later in life.


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